Perfect Stop Heats Up Summer with Powersports Promotion
Dorman Releases 500+ New Products for June
Details of ASE Instructor Training Conference Announced
Perfect Stop Heats Up Summer with Powersports Promotion
Dorman Releases 500+ New Products for June
Details of ASE Instructor Training Conference Announced
Service Advisors: Customer Satisfaction Starts With Communication
This webinar is part of "AAPEX Repair Shop HQ Webinar Series: An 8-Part Webinar Series." Sponsored by AAPEX.
Your first encounter with a customer is a lasting one – are your service advisors’ communication skills up to the task? We’ll outline the top tips to ensure that every conversation on the phone, in person and via text helps set the appointment, confirm the service request, complete the payment, and confirm any follow-up service requirements.
Speakers Doug Kaufman, Editor, ShopOwner
Brake & Front End serves repair shops conducting a high volume of undercar repairs by providing application-specific technical information and solutions to address emerging trends in the undercar repair segment. By subscribing, you’ll receive the ShopOwner digital edition magazine (12 times/year) featuring articles from Brake & Front End and the Brake & Front End eNewsletter (twice weekly). Access to digital editions, contests, news, and more are ready for you today!
Brake & Front End serves repair shops conducting a high volume of undercar repairs by providing application-specific technical information and solutions to address emerging trends in the undercar repair segment. By subscribing, you’ll receive the ShopOwner digital edition magazine (12 times/year) featuring articles from Brake & Front End and the Brake & Front End eNewsletter (twice weekly). Access to digital editions, contests, news, and more are ready for you today!
ByBrake and Front End Staff on Jun 16, 2022
ByBrake and Front End Staff on Jun 8, 2022
One bad hose can cause an engine malfunction. This video is sponsored by Continental.
Don’t settle for “almost” - it matters where the engine is manufactured or remanufactured. Sponsored by ACDelco.
GM transmissions and transfer cases are unique to each individual vehicle. This video is sponsored by ACDelco.
Don’t settle for “almost” - it matters where the engine is manufactured or remanufactured. Sponsored by ACDelco.
Click here to view past issues.
The solution to this problem can be lengthy and complicated. This video is sponsored by LubeGard.
Welcome to the GM eight speed torque converter shudder solution by LubeGard. General Motors has issued multiple technical service bulletins on torque converter clutch shudder in the 8-speed, 8L45 and 8L90 transmissions. This problem affects over four million vehicles. That’s 11 different models across three different OE manufacturers between the model years 2015 and 2020. GM’s solution to this problem is lengthy and complicated. It requires a full fluid exchange that uses 20 quarts of an expensive and very specific full synthetic ATF.
Our research and development team went to work by replicating conditions that caused torque converter shudder using our state-of-the-art Falex MultiSpecimen Test Machine. We use this testing platform to create conditions that cause shudder to occur between an automatic transmission friction plate and a steel plate, replicating the movement in a torque converter. When the friction and steel plate specimens were lubricated with the GM recommended ATF alone, shudder and slippage still occurred.
We then ran the exact same test under the same conditions with the addition of Lube Gard Platinum ATF Protectant at a treat rate of two ounces per quart. The shudder was eliminated. The testing also shows that platinum provided control and stabilization of the fluid friction at a constant level throughout the test.
You can avoid the expensive replacement of the OEM ATF by simply adding two 10 ounce bottles or 20 ounces of Lube Gard Platinum ATF Protectant. If you do decide to go with the OEM fluid flush, you can add the platinum and prevent the torque converter shudder from returning. By adding platinum you’ll also be protecting the transmission from friction, wear, heat and additive depletion.
For more information on LubeGard products and where to purchase them, visit our website at, or send us an email at [email protected] Thanks for watching.
This video is sponsored by LubeGard
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