Heart problems and the heat: What to know and do - Harvard Health

2022-06-25 08:23:09 By : Mr. Terry Tsai

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This spring, many parts of United States experienced historic heat waves. Now summer is officially underway, and experts are predicting hotter than normal temperatures across most of the country.

Extreme temperatures increase health risks for people with chronic conditions, including heart problems. If you do have a heart condition, here’s how to keep cool and protect yourself when temperatures rise.

Not only does exposure to high heat increase the risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke, but it can also place a particular burden on heart health. It stresses the cardiovascular system and makes the heart work harder. This can increase the chance of heart attacks, heart arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), and heart failure.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the interaction of high heat and cardiovascular disease contributes to about a quarter of heat-related deaths.

And the higher the temperature, the greater the threat. A recent study in the journal Circulation looked at cardiovascular death rates over seven years in Kuwait, where daytime temperatures can reach triple digits in the hottest months. The researchers found a link between rising temperatures and the risk of cardiovascular deaths, with most occurring between temperatures of 95° F to 109° F.

"Climate change is giving us more, and unprecedented, heat that can be deadly, especially for people with heart disease," says Dr. Aaron Bernstein, interim director of the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Your body is designed to shed extra heat in two major ways, each of which may affect the heart:

Radiation. When the air around you is cooler than your body, you radiate extra heat into the air. This process requires rerouting blood flow so that more of it goes to the skin.

Evaporation. Evaporating sweat helps cool you down by pulling heat away from your skin. When the air is dry, this works well. But when it’s hot and humid, sweat just sits on the skin as your body temperature rises.

When air temperature approaches or exceeds body temperature, especially in high humidity, the heart has to beat faster and pump harder to help your body shed heat. On a hot and humid day, your heart may circulate two to four times as much blood each minute compared with a cool day.

Some medicines meant to help the heart can add to problems on hot days. For example, beta blockers slow the heartbeat and hinder the heart’s ability to circulate blood fast enough for effective heat exchange. Diuretics (water pills) increase urine output and raise the risk of dehydration.

While exposure to high heat and heat waves affects everyone, having existing heart problems raises your risk for heat-related illness and hospitalization. So it’s especially important to try to follow basic strategies for staying cool, including these:

Matthew Solan , Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

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